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I have been using Grow Smart Marketing now for over 3 years for all of my online marketing… The social media postings have increased our followers as well as engagement with new clients… I would highly recommend these guys for any business that is ready to scale up.
Your Practice Needs To Be On Social Media

81% of consumers will still check out a doctor online despite being given a strong referral from their primary care doctor.
Patients ARE going online to check you out! Even if they are referred to you by their primary care doctor or a close friend or family member. The data is very clear on this… people are going online to check you out BEFORE they will pick up the phone to call.
63% of consumers will choose one provider over another because of a strong online presence.
Potential patients rely just as much on reviews and social media to make healthcare decisions as they do for any other purchasing decision. Having a strong pulse on social media gives your practice credibility while also building trust and community.
76% of survey respondents over age 60 have searched online for healthcare . . .
Social Media is not just for Millennials and teenagers. Baby Boomers are now tech savvy and they expect to be able to find information about potential healthcare providers online.
Using Grow Smart for our Beyond Functional Medicine marketing has been so amazing for spreading the knowledge to doctors about functional medicine and this is the true way of health. Thank you Neil and Chad getting the word out about our program which has allowed so many lives to be changed.
Save Your Time & Energy For Your Patients
You probably started your practice because you wanted to make a difference in the lives of the people in your community.
As a highly trained medical professional, having to stop what you are doing in order to update your social media accounts probably seems like a waste of energy and resources. Taking the time to find a useful and relevant article to post online multiple times a day can quickly become a tedious and time-consuming chore.
If you've read this far, it's likely because you recognize the importance of social media for your practice to thrive, but you know that your time is much better spent focusing on helping the patients who are in front of you.
By hiring the Grow Smart Medical Marketing Experts to do the research, approval, and posting legwork for you, you'll save yourself valuable time and energy.

Helping You Keep Your Focus On What Matters . . . Your Patients
Potential patients are looking for your practice on social media. Book a call now to discuss how we can help you stand out while you continue to keep doing what you do best . . . caring for your patients.

Position your practice as an authority by posting relevant articles
The importance of how your practice is perceived by your patients and leads cannot be overstated. Though having an account is better than not, social media is about more than simply giving you a presence online. It needs to be active.
Positioning your practice as a source of useful, expert information builds trust. When patients trust you, they are more likely to recommend you to their contacts and to call you for help when they have a health issue. All of this helps to build awareness of your practice.
Curating, vetting, and sharing relevant articles for your social media is a full-time job.
But you shouldn't have to pay someone a full time salary just to keep up!
When you choose our skilled social media experts to handle the searching, vetting and posting, it saves countless hours spent searching for content and endless frustration for you.
We curate an assortment of current articles related to the services offered by your practice. Articles range from the latest news on wellness, fitness, nutrition, functional medicine, regenerative therapies and more. We select only high quality, current articles, published by reputable sources, and share them 1-2 times a day through your social media accounts.
Keeping your practice in the front of peoples' minds is paramount.
In addition to sourcing great content for you, we also actively build awareness about your services with posts promoting various pages of your website a few times a week. We sprinkle these posts throughout the week so that your followers are not overwhelmed by an onslaught of self-promotion, yet are reminded that your practice offers more than just interesting reading materials.
High quality marketing service. We've tried many of them, Grow Smart definitely works, and we will continue to use in the future.
What Are the Benefits Of A Social Media Posting Service?
Save yourself time and valuable resources while still reaping the benefits of a social media presence. Let us invest our time and care into curating helpful, relevant, reliable content your patients will love.
We post timely articles from reliable sources to establish you as a credible source of valuable information for your patients and followers…
Having an active social media presence increases loyalty. As followers interact with posts, you can build a thriving online community around your practice.
Sharing 1-2 useful articles per day creates visibility. We also highlight the services you offer, reminding followers of your availability to take care of them.
My group has been a client of Grow Smart for well over a year now. I consider myself a present owner operator that is very involved with each department of my practice. What stands out the most for me with Grow Smart is the results of qualified leads, response time is immediate and simply what this marketing company is willing to do to earn and keep your business. Thank you Grow Smart.
Why Choose Grow Smart Marketing
Get Started With Our Expert Team Of Social Media Specialists Today,

- ZExperienced: Our social media team has been curating and running social media accounts for our clients for years.
- Z Knowledgeable: We know where to find the best content as well as exactly how much of each type of article to post to achieve maximum engagement from your followers.
- ZThorough: Every article we post for you has been reviewed by multiple members of our team to ensure that you get the best content available.
- ZPassionate: Researchers at heart, our social media team gets excited about the content we find and post for you.
- ZEasy To Work With: Do you have something you've written that you would like us to post for you? We're happy to take care of that. Our team is just a call or click away.
- ZNo Contracts: You get all of the expertise, care, attention, and skill we have working for you and you can cancel at anytime.
Helping you keep your focus on what matters . . .
your patients
Potential patients are looking for your practice on social media. Book a call now to discuss how we can help you stand out while you continue to keep doing what you do best . . . caring for your patients.

378 Stonewood Creek Dr.
Dallas, GA 30132
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